C. Dumbrava publishes book on citizenship and ethno-cultural belonging

“Nationality, Citizenship and Ethno-Cultural Belonging. Preferential Membership Policies in Europe” is the title of a new book by Dr Costica Dumbrava published by Palgrave Macmilan. The book investigates the legal rules of acquisition and loss of citizenship in Europe.

Challenging mainstream arguments about the de-ethnicisation of citizenship in Europe, Dumbrava identifies and analyses regulations that differentiate among people on ethno-cultural grounds.

“Nationality, Citizenship and Ethno-Cultural Belonging. Preferential Membership Policies in Europe” (Palgrave Macmilan, 2014) provides a systematic comparative analysis of citizenship laws in 38 European countries an original assessment of justifications for ethno-cultural rules of citizenship. By disentangling the unitary model of national citizenship that bundles together legal, political, and identity memberships, the book also proposes to reconcile competing principles of membership in order to define a more robust set of citizenship regulations.



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