Call for Joint Sessions – European Consortium for Political Research

The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) currently offers three forms of funding to enable its members to attend the Joint Sessions of Workshops: the Professional Grant, Travel and Accommodation Grant and the Workshop Directors’ Grant.

Staff-members that would like to apply for this should inform Christine Neuhold, the ECPR Official Representative if they would like to apply for one of these grants in order to be able to coordinate this.

Joint Sessions Professional Grant

This grant is targeted specifically at newer or retired members of the political science profession and members of the profession who are on temporary contracts.

Each recipient of a Joint Sessions Professional Grant will receive up to €500 to cover travel and accommodation costs incurred in attending the Joint Sessions of Workshops. Funding is restricted to three awards per ECPR member institution, per event, in any one year.

Deadline for applications is 31 January 2013.

Please go here for the exact eligibility criteria and application form.

Joint Session Travel and Accommodation Grant

The Travel and Accommodation Grant is designed to aid the attendance of students at the ECPR’s Joint Sessions of Workshops. The Grant contributes up to €500 towards travel and accommodation costs incurred in attending the Joint Sessions.

Funding is restricted to three awards per ECPR member institution, per event, in any one year and only students who are self-funded (i.e. who receive no financial support from their institution to attend the Joint Sessions).

Deadline for applications is 31 January 2013.

Please go here for the exact eligibility criteria and application form.

Workshop Directors’ Grant
The Workshop Directors’ Grant covers travel and accommodation expenses, for one Director per workshop to attend the Joint Sessions of Workshops. The Grant of €500* is open to all Directors from full ECPR member institutions. Please note: Workshop Directors do not need to apply for this grant since one Director per workshop is automatically eligible.


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