Call for papers and workshops MACIMIDE Annual Work Conference 2019

On 20 September 2019, the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) Annual Work Conference 2019 will take place. You are welcome to submit a workshop proposal or paper abstract that addresses issues regarding migration. Submissions can be a maximum 500 words and need to be submitted 15 May the latest by email to any of the members of the organising committee (see below).

The Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) invites you to submit a proposal for a workshop or a paper for the MACIMIDE Annual Work Conference 2019. MACIMIDE is the Maastricht University’s interdisciplinary research platform for interfaculty collaboration in the fields of migration, mobility, citizenship, development, and family life. In order to stimulate the exchange of ideas and research between over 125 researchers and associated researchers, each year MACIMIDE organises an Annual Work Conference where early career as well as senior researchers present and discuss their work around a number of research themes cutting across the disciplinary fields represented by the faculties and schools of Maastricht University.

You are welcome to submit a workshop or paper abstract of maximum 500 words to the conference. We invite contributions that address issues regarding migration. We encourage you to be creative in thinking about workshop proposals. Alongside paper sessions such as on high-skilled migration, health and refugee education, examples from the past conference are a session on the concepts of identity and integration, a workshop on migration data, or a movie screening with a follow-up discussion.

Please submit your abstract no later than 15 May by email to a member of the organising committee.

In case you have any questions about the Annual Work conference, please get in touch with a member of the organising committee:

Karlijn Haagsman (FASoS,
Swantje Falcke (FASoS,
Inge Hooijen (SBE,
José Victor Cremonesi Giarola (SBE,
Julia Reinold (UNU-MERIT/MSGoG,

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