Call Investment Grant NWO Large

NWO has opened the programme Investment Grant NWO Large to stimulate investments of national or international importance. The grant is meant for the purchase of equipment and for the setting up, linking and enriching of data collections. The NWO contribution is worth at least €1,000,000. The application deadline is Tuesday 19 May 2015.

Investments grants are only eligible for funding if there is an evident scientific interest and an (inter)national scope. Also, it must be evident that the investment is beyond the financial possibilities of the university itself. NWO invites future applicants to contact them in an early phase to discuss the best possible set-up for a consortium.

Eligible costs are:

* Costs for investments of scientific equipment and databases
* Staff costs for setting up data sets and initial digitalization of the bibliografical machine, in case this cannot be bought.
* Staff costs for employees with specific and essential technical expertise to build or set up the investment.

Proposals will be evaluated against the following criteria: scientific quality, national relevance, knowledge use and transfer, financial and technical criteria.

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