Conference on Agency Theory in the 21st century, on 25 October

The Institute for Corporate Governance and Innovation Policies (ICGI) and the Institute for Transnational Legal Research (METRO) cordially invite you to an interdisciplinary conference on Agency Theory in the 21st century, which will be held at the Faculty of Law in Maastricht on Friday 25 October.

The purpose of this conference is to discuss the role of agency theory in a variety of disciplines, and to reflect on whether it is fit for the needs and challenges of the 21st century. This conference aims to provide an interesting, interdisciplinary perspective on the current standing and future prospects of agency theory as a core approach to modelling individual behaviour in law, economics and other disciplines.

The first part of the conference invites an interdisciplinary and international range of speakers to reflect on the role and future of agency theory in their respective disciplines. The underlying assumptions, theoretical foundations, increasing sphere of influence and consequent impacts will be explored. Each speaker will be invited to discuss whether their discipline’s approach to agency theory is adequate for the needs and challenges of the 21st century.

The second part comprises a roundtable discussion with active participation from the audience. Questions on the theoretical background, interpretation, transposition and methodology of agency theory will be debated with a moderator leading the discussion.

To be able to attend the conference, please register before 18 October.

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