Conference ‘Ten years EU Eastern Partnership’, on 6 and 7 June

On 6 and 7 June 2019, the Brussels Campus will host the conference: “Ten Years EU Eastern Partnership: Democracy promotion, economic governance and geopolitics. Where next for the EU’s regional integration project with its eastern neighbours?”

The event is free of charge but registration is required. You can still register for Friday 7 June.

The Eastern Partnership (EaP) was founded in 2009 to strengthen the EU’s relations with six partner countries in its eastern neighbourhood (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) and to build a common area of shared democracy, prosperity and stability. The conference addresses in how far the EaP has achieved its original goals, and invites to reflect on what conceptual and policy tools are required in the future to define the EU’s relations with the six EaP countries. A special emphasis is placed on how to reconcile conflicting policy paradigms, such as the promotion of democracy, human rights and civil society, and ‘pragmatic’ policy based on ensuring stability in pursuit of geopolitical interests vis-à-vis Russia’s and China’s competing regional integration projects. The conference brings together senior members of the Brussels diplomatic community, European institutional decision makers and top academic scholars, to provide a holistic and interdisciplinary perspective on the future of the EU’s relations with its eastern neighbours.


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