Euroteachers is looking for new members

If you are enjoying your first year in European Studies and would like to share your knowledge in EU-related topics with youngsters across Europe, you are invited to apply now to join the Euroteachers team next year. Please complete the application form and send it back to before Friday 17 April 2015.

Are you interested in the European Union? Would you like to spread awareness of Europe in interactive workshops? Do you like sharing your knowledge and tutoring young adolescents in topics around the EU? Would you like to travel to high schools in Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands to share your knowledge? If you answered all the questions with ‘yes’, then Euroteachers is looking for you.

Euroteachers is a group of international students who seek to improve young people’s knowledge about the European Union and its current issues. We organise interactive workshops in high schools to provide students with the necessary insights to understand how the European Union works and to raise awareness on current issues affecting it. During our workshops, students are free to develop their own opinions and interact with each other, becoming the main actors on the scene!

If you would like to get more information about us, feel free to join us for some drinks. The date will be announced on our Facebook page. So stay tuned! If you would like to apply immediately, then just fill in the application form and send it back to this email address:

We are looking forward hearing from you!

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