Lecture on Narcissism on 9 October

What are the distinctive features of a narcissist? How do narcissists influence other people and society as a whole? Jens Lange, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Social Cognition Centre in Cologne, will explore the paradoxical facets of the narcissistic personality during a free lecture in the Maastricht University Auditorium, Minderbroedersberg 4-6, on Monday 9 October at 20.00.

It has often been said that Donald Trump is a narcissist. Some even call him a “malignant narcissist” incapable of serving safely as president. What are the distinctive features of a narcissist? Why do some admire their charming and assertive demeanor, while others fear their rudeness and hostility in the face of ego threats? How do narcissists influence other people and society as a whole? Jens Lange will explore the paradoxical facets of the narcissistic personality.

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