New Book by Kiran Patel on Nazi Social Policies in a Global Perspective

Kiran Patel has co-edited an OUP book with Sandrine Kott (Geneva/New York) on Nazi social policies in a global perspective. Ever since the Kaiserreich, Germany had used its social policies as part of its nation branding. How did the Nazis build on that and, more importantly, how did politicians, experts, and citizens around the globe react to this?

The book’s various chapters, that deal with a broad range of societies including Italy, Spain, France, Denmark, Croatia, Brazil, the United States and Japan, address this and other questions.

The book is a result of Kiran Patel’s visiting professorship at the German Historical Institute London and LSE in 2014/5 as well as of his membership in an international team of historians researching the history of the German Ministry of Labor under Nazism.


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