NWO grants for two PhD studies at FASoS

We are pleased to announce that two projects by FASoS professors, Karin Bijsterveld and Sally Wyatt, and their PhD candidates, Marith Dieker (MSc) and Claudia Egher (MSc), have been awarded funding from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Profs. Bijsterveld and Wyatt have each received €211,600 to start two PhD studies in the framework of NWO’s PhDs in the Humanities funding programme. More information on the PhD projects:

1. Talking You Through: Traffic Information and Car Radio, 1950s-now

Prof. dr. K.Th. Bijsterveld – PhD candidate M.L.R. (Marith) Dieker (MSc)

This project examines the history and contemporary practices of traffic radio in the United States, Germany and The Netherlands (1950s-now). Which technologies and organisational forms have been developed to gather and transmit traffic information across radio? How has this information been presented to and appropriated by drivers? And how can a historical-comparative understanding of traffic radio inform us on high-quality traffic information today and contribute to sustainable mobility?

2. Mental Health Expertise Online. The enactment of expertise on major depression and bipolar disorder on online platforms in English and French

Prof. dr. Sally Wyatt – PhD candidate Claudia Egher (MSc)

This comparative study of major depression and bipolar disorder across different intellectual traditions will highlight how and to what extent local values and practices and distinct scientific perspectives shape online expertise. It will provide important insights into the roles different modalities and materialities play in the realization of online expertise, and the skills required to successfully do so.

Both PhD candidates will begin in the near future. They are both graduates of the Research Master Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology (CAST).

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