FASoS PBL Movie Night, on 7 November

Following up on an idea launched during one of last year’s UTQ sessions, Tetiana Vasylenko and Patrick Bijsmans will organise a FASoS PBL movie night on Tuesday 7 November 2017, from 18.30 until approximately 20.30. You are warmly invited to join in. Please register no later than Monday 30 October, 13.00. Location to be announced.

The idea is to discuss a number of specific situations in PBL, as listed by a university Leading in Learning project a few years ago (see the attached list for an overview). We will do so in an informal setting and, just like for the BA ES BBQ, would like to ask participants to bring some snacks and drinks – unfortunately there is no budget for this.

If you’d like to join, please visit the website app.gosoapbox.com and enter the access code 896-078-993. You will be asked to give your name and then you can select the two situations that you’d like to discuss most, plus there is an open question concerning the food and drinks that you would like to bring.

Tetiana and Patrick will select the 3-4 situations that have received most votes. They may also ask participants to bring other snacks and drinks than proposed (just to make sure that there is some variety). The venue will be announced as soon as it is known how many of colleagues are going to attend the event.

Don’t hesitate to approach Tetiana or Patrick in the FASoS corridors in case of questions.

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