PhD defence Verena Anker, on Wednesday 12 February

Verena Anker will defend her PhD dissertation ‘Creating Dance with Bytes and Pixels; Technologies as Mediators in Digital Performance Rehearsals’ in the Aula, Minderbroedersberg 4-6, on Wednesday 12 February at 12.00.

You are cordially invited to attend. The defence will be followed by a reception at de Refter. Her paranimfs are Catharina Koops and Katarina Kleinschmidt.

Verena’s supervisors are Prof. Dr. Renée van de Vall, Dr. Jessica Mesman and Prof. Dr. Karel Vanhaesebrouck (ULB).


Digital technologies are increasingly becoming part of dance performances: they for instance appear on stage in the form of virtual projections that react to a dancer’s movements, or they enable performers to control various stage effects such as light, sound and video imagery. Within this growing artistic practice, dance art and technology are however considered in problematic terms, as they are described as opposing or dominating each other. This thesis provides a more nuanced understanding of the relation between dance and digital media by analysing how digital dance is made. Following dance artists and multimedia programmers in the rehearsal space, it describes how digital media participate in dance creation, and how performers learn to dance with digital setups and integrate technological characteristics in their movements.

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