Poll from UM psychologists for staff on student well-being

Many of us have contact with students on a regular basis. Some of these students have questions regarding their well-being. To help students as good as possible we are developing support for all UM staff. This support aims at dealing with student’s questions concerning their well-being.

We wonder what you as staff would like to know to help students. Therefore, we would like to ask you to fill in this short poll (2 minutes).

The aim is to raise awareness concerning the topic of Student Well-being. Additionally, the abilities to signalize/detect and to refer correctly are important. This way, students with questions or with a request for help find the right help as fast as possible. We would also like to meet the need of staff members who want to explore specific themes more in depth, e.g. fear of failure, in order to support students better.

We would like to hear what your wishes are. Therefore, we would like to ask you to fill in this short poll of 2 minutes (in case you have little or no need for help you can fill in the poll regardless). Please fill in the poll before Friday 24 May.

Feel free to forward this poll to colleagues who can benefit from this too.

Thank you in advance!

The UM Psychologists

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