Rethinking Justice Hackathon at Brightlands, on 3-4 March

Making the world a better place is easier said than done. This is why every contribution to the noble cause embraced by humanity through the Sustainable Development Goals matters, because success is the sum of small efforts.

Join the Rethinking Justice Hackathon on 3 and 4 March: students, staff and alumni from UM, as well as friends from the industry, coming together in a 24-hour hackathon to celebrate free thinking and enthusiastic doing.

Get ready for a challenging, intense, creative and satisfying justice-hacking experience! Check us out and don’t forget to apply until 1 February.

There are 100 places open for participants, who need to apply individually, and if selected, will be placed in teams on the basis of indicated preferences, so it is made sure everyone gets to enjoy a REAL interdisciplinary experience. The Hackathon participants will be announced on 3 February! Final participants will be charged a €24 participation fee upon confirmation (that’s investing €1 per hour in a 24-hour skills training event and getting a lot of free food, drinks and road trips in return).


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