SG Lecture: How the World Thinks, on 17 September

In this lecture, Julian Baggini gives a global overview of philosophy, looking at how it developed around the world and impacted the cultures in which it flourished.

Tuesday 17 September, 20.00. Auditorium, Minderbroedersberg 4-6. Free entrance. Speaker: Julian Baggini, writer and philosopher.

Julian Baggini shows us how distinct branches of philosophy blossomed simultaneously in China, India and Ancient Greece, growing from local myths and stories – and how contemporary cultural attitudes have developed out of the philosophical histories of the regions.

What is the Confucian value of harmony and why is it so important in Chinese culture? Are East Asian cultures really “collectivist” or do they offer a more interesting alternative to individualism?

Julian Baggini is a British philosopher, journalist and the author of over 20 books about philosophy written for a general audience. He is co-founder of The Philosophers’ Magazine and has written for numerous international newspapers and magazines. In addition to writing on the subject of philosophy he has also written books on food, atheism, secularism and the nature of national identity.

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