SG Lecture: Taking Stock of Donald Trump’s America, on 14 January

With 20 January marking the halfway point of President Trump’s first term in office, it is time to analyse where America stands. What are the effects of these two years of bruising presidency?

Studium Generale lecture, free entrance.

Speaker: Frans Verhagen. Journalist, Publicist, Expert on America

When: Monday 14 January, 20.00

Where: Auditorium, MBB 4-6

America has seldom been so divided. How will this affect the country? Is the United States a country that is falling apart, with communities not talking to each other? With the second half of the Trump administration ahead, the Democrats must come up with a programme that unites. Can they do it? Who are Trump’s potential successors?

This and more, including the story of how Donald Trump fits better in American history than we think, will be discussed in this lecture.

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