Showcased: Teaching and Learning the European Union.

boek_sophie_vanhoonackerAs a relatively new field, European Studies has developed into a fascinating laboratory for experimenting with innovative teaching methods with their emphasis on ‘knowing how’ rather than ‘knowing what’.

Starting from an examination of the EU’s changing educational context and its challenges, this volume contributes to the existing literature in two important ways. Firstly, based on an extensive survey with more than 2000 European Studies courses in 30 European countries, it maps and analyses the features of teaching methodologies as they emerge from both disciplinary as well as interdisciplinary curricula. Secondly it presents a series of case studies on some of the most used innovative teaching tools emerging in the field such as simulation games, e‐learning, problem based learning, blended learning, and learning through the use of social networks. Based on their own experiences and academic research, the contributors examine both strengths and possible pitfalls of these increasingly popular methods. By taking a critical approach they aim to inspire educators and scholars committed to improving the teaching methods and tools in the area of European Studies and other programmes of higher education facing similar challenges.

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