Cast your vote for social start-up CUBE. Your Take on Europe

Developed in Maastricht by four FASoS alumni, the social start-up ‘CUBE. Your Take on Europe‘ is now seeking the help and support of the FASoS community and network to help it win the Facebook ‘Act for Impact’ funding programme. The competition comes with a prize of €43.000. Please cast your vote here between Friday 19 – Monday 29 May. Thank you all for your support!

CUBE makes YOUR take on Europe possible

Feeling unheard in Europe? CUBE wants to change that! By amplifying the voices of Europe’s marginalised youth, CUBE relays narratives from across the EU to the political table in Brussels, building an inclusive participation channel. By opening up political participation to all people, CUBE aims to reinforce pluralism in the European civil society. CUBE’s idea was born and raised in Maastricht 2016 when four young women, frustrated by the misrepresentation of European civil society and united by a passion for diversifying European civil society, decided to set the wheels of change in motion by starting this project.

This is why CUBE needs the help and support of the FASoS community. CUBE has been selected from 180 applicants among 15 other organisations to participate at a Facebook Voting of the ‘Act for Impact’ funding programme competing for €43.000. Do you want to support us in representing YOU? Then vote for us in the ‘Act for Impact’ funding challenge, where we are competing for a chance to change Europe.

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