Symposium: Make the Sustainable Development Goals Yours!, on 16 May

Join our symposium on Wednesday 16 May from 9.00-17.00, at the Akenzaal (UNS40). Alan AtKisson, senior advisor and leader in sustainability transformations will be giving the keynote and facilitating the afternoon’s workshop. Pressed for time? You can sign up for all of our events separately. An overview of the programme can be downloaded. Please register online.

Is it possible to reduce poverty, end world hunger and stop biodiversity loss, while at the same time dealing with a myriad of other pertinent issues, in the next 15 years? According to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we can! Join our symposium to deepen your knowledge of the SDGs and develop the skills to implement them (or any other social and environmental actions) in your personal life, at UM, or within the wider Maastricht community.

A keynote and workshop by Alan AtKisson:
With nearly 30 years of international leadership and advisory experience, Alan AtKisson consults governments, leading companies, global NGOs, and the United Nations. We are gladly welcoming him now to share his expertise at Maastricht University (you can already watch his TEDxTalk here). Alan’s keynote and workshop will be complemented a panel discussion with a variety of panelists, i.e. students, academics, and members from the public and private sectors, see the second link below for more information.

Background: How can you make the SDGs yours?
The SDGs, which were formulated as part of the biggest and most participatory consultation in the history of the United Nations, serve as a framework through which we can address the complex issues we are faced with today. Through this widely agreed-upon framework, students, government, academics, businesses and other societal actors can collaborate to make the world a more sustainable place. Many governments, businesses, NGOs and universities have already started pledging their commitment to achieving these goals.

Yet how do we know whether the SDGs are an effective framework? How do we know which pitfalls or drawbacks to watch out for? And most importantly, how can we actually implement them in our everyday lives? Despite all the fanfare, many of us lack the knowledge and tools to answer these questions. This is what our symposium aims to address!

Hosting organisations:
This symposium is being organised in collaboration with several student organisations-led organisations and representative parties, among which: the Green Office, ImpactLab, Rhetorica, NovUM and DOPE.

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