Vote for Tamar Sharon for the New Scientist Research Talent award

FASoS researcher Tamar Sharon has been nominated for the 2015 New Scientist Research Talent. She has been selected out of more than 50 candidates by an expert jury. You can vote for her until Monday 7 September on (website is in Dutch).

The public vote and the jury vote carry equal weight in the final decision. The winner will be announced on 24 September during a festive ceremony held at Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam. He or she will receive €1,500, a book package, and an award. With this new award, the popular scientific journal New Scientist is giving young researchers the opportunity to promote their studies among a wider audience.

Philosopher Tamar Sharon (1975) obtained her PhD cum laude in Israel in 2011 for her work on the ethical and social implications of technologies designed to improve humanity. She won the Mara Bellar Prize for her dissertation, as well as a Rubicon grant (2012) and a Veni grant (2014). She plans to research how people use technology to improve their health. Sharon has published several scientific articles and a book on this topic. Her current research will focus on the use of programmes that track information about our health, such as how much we walk or sleep, our blood sugar levels, and our calorie intake. She hopes to gain a better understanding of how people use health technologies in their daily lives and how these technologies influence values like autonomy, solidarity, and authenticity.

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