TCRAf-Eu Conference on Transnational Families

um_advert_pictureThe final conference of the NORFACE funded TCRAf-Eu project opens with a policy roundtable with stakeholders from different African and European countries. The conference addresses methodological and substantive gaps in transnational family research by promoting multi-sited, mixed-method and comparative approaches. Invited scholars from different disciplines will present state-of-the-art research on transnational families.

Register for the Policy Roundtable before 12 March.

More information here

27 March Policy Roundtable: Migrant Families Living between Africa and Europe We would like to share some of our emerging findings with a broader audience and experts in the field to discuss the possible policy implications our research might have. The research shows how conditions in sending countries are linked to integration outcomes in receiving countries and vice-versa, how integration in receiving countries impacts on development outcomes in sending countries. There are many potential policy relevant issues that are addressed by our project and the policy roundtable is intended to initiate a discussion on issues of migration and families and to brainstorm together how our findings can be brought to a wider public of policy makers, practitioners and the media. If you would like register for the Policy Roundtable, please send an email before 12 March, 2013. Please note, we have only a limited number of places available. 28-29 March Conference: Transnational Families: Multi-Sited, Mixed-Method and Comparative Research Approaches Final conference of the “Transnational Child Raising Arrangements between Africa and Europe (TCRAf-Eu)” project. Transnational families are a current and widespread phenomenon around the globe. The most common form is where one or both parents migrate and children are left in the origin country to be raised by a caregiver. In some cases such arrangements are the result of stringent migration policies in Europe and elsewhere in the Global North, which make it difficult for families to migrate together. In others, they are the preferred choice of family members especially in societies where child fostering and social parenthood are common practices. An emerging concern in both the academic and policy arenas is in the effects of separation on migrant parents and their children. Yet while multi-sited research approaches are advocated, few studies focus contemporaneously on both origin and receiving country contexts and the role of the caregiver is almost always missing. Furthermore, there are hardly any cross‐country comparative studies. Research on transnational families tends to cluster around two fields of study: qualitative, in-depth transnational migration studies and quantitatively focused family and child psychology studies. These two areas of study have remained largely separate of each other while much stands to be gained by bringing insights from these two areas of study to bare on each other. This conference aims to address such methodological and substantive gaps by promoting multi-sited, mixed-method and comparative approaches in transnational family research. The conference will bring scholars together from diverse disciplines and focus on different parts of the world and will facilitate ample discussion around specific themes.

The registration for the conference has closed. For more information on this project click here

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