Thesis writing workshops by FASoS academic writing advisor John Harbord

FASoS academic writing advisor, John Harbord, will offer three workshops on thesis writing during the month of May. These workshops are principally directed at third year BA students. Interested MA students are also welcome. The workshops will take place on Monday 9, Monday 12 and Thursday 19 May, 9.00-10.30, in the Attic, Grote Gracht 80-82. Please register beforehand with John Harbord.

There are three workshops in total, you may attend any or all of these workshops.

Workshop 1: Writing your introduction
Monday 9 May, 9.00, in GG80-82 3.002 – Attic

  • Using a model based on research, and samples from published articles, you will draft the introduction to your thesis and receive peer feedback on your writing.

Workshop 2: Relating to the literature
Thursday 12 May, 9.00, in GG80-82 Attic

  • Looking at examples from published work, we will explore the different roles of others’ work in the thesis. You will rationalise the debate and the role of literature in your own thesis and receive feedback.

Workshop 3: Structuring the thesis
Thursday 19 May, 9.00, in GG80-82 Attic

  • We will reflect on the principles of structuring academic work and guiding the reader through your thesis using appropriate lexical indicators, and put these into practice.

Not more than 35 people can be accommodated in the Attic. For this reason only, registration beforehand with John Harbord is necessary. If you have not registered, you may still come at 9.00, but in the event that the maximum capacity is exceeded, you may not be able to stay.

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