Thomas Christiansen guest editor special issue Asia-Europe Journal

The Asia-Europe Journal, an SSCI ranked journal published by Springer, has published a special issue on the topic of ‘The Rise of China: Challenges and Opportunities for the European Union’, co-edited by Thomas Christiansen and Richard Maher (EUI). The special issue is available in open access on the publisher’s website.

This special issue, arising from a workshop organised at the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute in Florence examines Europe’s response to the steady and dramatic rise of China over the past two decades. In particular, it explores the challenges as well as the many instances of engagement that define their relations today across a number of policy areas, including economic, diplomatic, and security relations. The contributions to this special issue demonstrate the varied, multi-faceted and to some extent contradictory nature of EU-China relations. The two sides are in an ever-closer economic embrace, yet they remain distant and occasionally antagonistic with respect to security concerns or normative discourses.

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