Vacancy: A&C student members for Programme Committee and OMT

Are you an active Arts & Culture student, interested in improving your BA programme? FASoS is looking for motivated students for the Programme Committee Arts & Culture and the Education Management Team (OMT). The application deadline is Thursday 8 October 2015. If you are interested in making a contribution to think about your BA, please send an email to: A description of what the bodies do can be found below.

Programme Committee

The Arts and Culture Programme Committee is an appointed body, made up of students and staff, which works to improve the content and structure of the study programme. Student members are expected to set forth the perspective of their fellow students during regular committee meetings which cover matters like the evaluation of courses, the planning of curricula, possible changes to the Education and Examination Regulations, and any other pertinent issues which arise during the course of the year. These meetings (which take place about once a month) are collegial, with students and staff working together to find common solutions. Alongside these duties, members of the programme committee work closely with the other Student Representatives to pursue an agenda, which represents the students’ interest at every level of the faculty administration. Lastly, as members of the Student Representatives, programme committee members work with their fellow representatives to come up with, and conduct, a wide variety of extra-curricular initiatives in and around the faculty. Ideas are always valued at our weekly Student Rep meetings.

Education Management Team (OMT)

The OMT’s mandate is to discuss and find solutions to faculty-wide Bachelor-level problems concerning the organization and level of education. It consists of the Associate Dean of Education, the Programme Directors of European Studies and Arts & Culture, a secretary and two Student Representatives. In addition to this, relevant employees from the Faculty are invited to individual meetings to give their input concerning their field of interest. Different to the Programme Committee, the OMT is responsible for overarching issues such as entrance requirements, the overall continuity of the study programmes, and structural problems in the faculty. The OMT is a working group that seeks to find solutions through the sharing of ideas and perspectives. The opinions of the Student Representatives are respected and taken into account when formulating action points. The Student Representatives also bring up concerns relevant to the scope of the OMT on behalf of students at the Faculty.

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