Last chance to fill in the PBL survey

A taskforce equally composed of FASoS student and staff members has prepared a survey on student and staff experience with PBL. If you are following or teaching any of the Bachelor’s courses offered at FASoS, we would appreciate it if you could take approximately 11 minutes to complete the survey via this link. The survey will close on Sunday 29 March. A Samsung Tablet will be raffled among all participants.

Problem-based learning is the cornerstone of the teaching method at Maastricht University. Given its importance, it is vital that this learning method is evaluated, and its effectiveness and usefulness for both tutors and students assessed.

Our most important sources of information in this context are FASoS community members, who practice PBL daily in their capacities as students or staff members. For this reason, your opinion on how PBL is currently conducted at FASoS is very valuable. Once we collect these data and carefully analyse them, we will organise a debate to constructively incorporate suggestions provided by members of the FASoS community in order to improve PBL.


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