Workshop on the use of the standing tutorial room, on 13 March

Inspired by the promising outcomes of the EDLAB standing tutorial-project ‘Education That Moves You’ (ETMY), FASoS now has its own standing-tutorial room at GG76, room 1.17.
A workshop on how to best use these tables will take place at EDLAB on 13 March, 09.00-10.30 or 15.00-16.30. Please register at if you are interested in joining, so you can start organising standing tutorial sessions yourself.

In the context of the project, some pilots were run to investigate whether and how a more active position achieves a better and more dynamic learning environment. The tables give you as a tutor the possibility to organise the pre- and post discussion in a more dynamic format: subgroups of four students maximum and each subgroup has its own flipover.

Standing tutorial room at FASOS
With phrases like “sitting is the new smoking”, sedentary behaviour has gotten increasingly negative attention. Science has now found positive correlations with breaking up long sitting periods and improved group dynamics, cognitive functions, and health. Inspired by the promising outcomes of the EDLAB standing tutorial-project ‘Education That Moves You’ (ETMY), FASoS now has its own standing-room. ETMY was initiated 2 years ago to counter the sitting mode in which education generally takes place. EDLAB has conducted a couple of pilots at UM and installs standing tutorial rooms in all UM faculties, so both teacher and students can experiences new learning dynamics during their tutorial.

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