FASoS ‘Valorisation’ Prize Winner

The jury of the FASoS ‘Valorisatie’ prize, consisting of Marjolein van Asselt, Klaartje Peters, Costas Papadopoulos and Ties van de Werff, has decided to award the FASoS ‘Valorisatie’ Prize 2019 to the project Maastricht Debate.

The jury received four very different applications. It stimulated discussion within the jury about the nature and added value of valorisation in our disciplines. The jury looks forward to broadening this discussion towards the entire faculty, something that is foreseen for the start of the new academic year.

The Maastricht Debate 2019, which was held on 29 April 2019, was jointly organised by Working on Europe – Maastricht University, the City of Maastricht and the Province of Limburg – as well as the European Youth Forum and the European Journalism Centre. The jury was impressed by the organisation and reception of the debate, and by the way the organisers included and empowered students as democratic citizens in the debate. Furthermore, the jury applauds the integrated approach towards valorisation in this project. The Maastricht Debate team approached engagement not only as a matter of post-research, but used the debate as both an important societal event, and an object of study and a way of gathering data, linking it to courses and teaching. This approach towards valorisation takes the societal consequences of our scientific expertise seriously.

Congratulations to the FASoS colleagues involved in the Maastricht Debate (Johan Adriaensen, Christine Arnold, Thomas Christiansen, Christine Neuhold, Michael Shackleton, Afke Groen and Mathieu Segers)!

You can read more in the jury report.

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