Actions against racism @FASoS, on Thursday 25 November

UM is committed to nurturing an inclusive culture. Racism has no place at our institution.

We would like to discuss what we can and would like to do at FASoS to address racism. We will have a meeting at FASoS  on Thursday 25 November at 14.00 together with representatives of the UM Diversity & Inclusivity Office.

Given the fact that we would like to have this important and sensitive conversation in person, there is a limit on how many people can sign up. Please register here by 11 November.

The UM Diversity & Inclusivity Office has done research into the experiences and ideas of our UM community and collected a list of actionable items. Many of these actions cannot be tackled at central level, but have to be discussed and tackled within the faculties.

We will discuss possible actions, prioritise, and think about next steps within the faculty. This meeting is open to interested staff members and we invited student representatives to nominate student participants.

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