Andreea Nastase was one of the invited speakers at the European Parliament hearing ‘The Uber Files, lobbying and workers’ rights‘, organised by the EP Committee on Employment and Social Affairs on 25 October.
The hearing gave an overview on the situation of Uber drivers in Europe, and on the extent to which Uber’s lobbying activities have affected their labour and social rights.
The European Parliament hearing ‘The Uber Files, lobbying and workers’ rights’ comes in the context of the draft Directive on improving working conditions in platform work, which is currently under consideration by EU decision-makers, and on the heels of thousands of documents (the so-called ‘Uber files’) leaked to the press in July 2022 by Mark MacGann, Uber’s former head lobbyist for Europe.
The files suggested that, between 2013 and 2017, Uber aggressively lobbied high rank politicians to delay or block legislation meant to regulate drivers’ labour and social rights.
As one of the invited speaker to the EP hearing, Andreea Nastase commented on what the Uber files revealed about systemic weaknesses in the ethics framework of the European Institutions and the regulation of lobbying activities in the EU.
The other speakers were Mark MacGann (whistleblower, former Head of Public Policy at Uber), Nicholas Schmidt (European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights), Brahim Ben Ali (Former Uber driver and founder of Uber Drivers’ Trade Union), and Zuzana Púčiková (current Director of EU Public Policy at Uber).
Read a article about the hearing here.