Arts, Media & Culture Colloquium by Emilie Sitzia, on 11 December

Arts, Media & Culture Colloquium ‘The Mediterranean Identity Formation: Narratives and Multimodal Exhibition Strategies at MuCEM’ by Emilie Sitzia.

When: Wednesday 11 December at 15.30
Where: Spiegelzaal, GG 80-82

During this session, Emilie will present a research-in-progress paper contextualising the research she will be leading during her sabbatical (February – July 2020) within the broader framework of interdisciplinary museum studies. This project proposes to explore how Mediterranean narratives are currently being presented in the Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée (MuCEM) and what the impact of multi-modal museum presentation on visitors’ identity formation is. The project is supported by a residency at the Institute for Advanced Study of Aix-Marseille University (IMéRA). Emilie’s presentation and the following discussion will focus on challenges and research method issues.


Emilie Sitzia holds a special chair at the University of Amsterdam and is an associate professor in the Department of Art and Literature at the University of Maastricht. She specialises in the impact of art on audiences and word/image interdisciplinary studies. In 2019 she was a co-editor for the Stedelijk Studies issue ‘Towards a Museum of Mutuality’. Recent relevant publications include: ‘Knowledge production in art museums’ in Muséologies (2018); ‘The ignorant art museum: beyond meaning-making’ in International Journal of Lifelong Education (2017); ‘Narrative theories and learning in contemporary art museums: a theoretical exploration’ in Stedelijk Studies (2016) and the co-authored chapter ‘Defining participation: practices in the Dutch artworld’ in J Kavanagh and K McSweeney (eds), Museum participation: new directions for audience collaboration (2016).

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