Bernike Pasveer publishes ‘Ways of Home Making in Care for Later Life’

Just published and available as e-book and hardcopy: Bernike Pasveer, Oddgeir Synnes and Ingunn Moser (eds.), Ways of Home Making in Care for Later Life (Palgrave McMillan).

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This is a book on how home is made when care enters the lives of people as they grow old at home or in ‘homely’ institutions. Throughout the book, the contributors show how home is a verb​: it is something people do. Home is thus always in the making, temporal, contested, and open to negotiation and experimentation. By bringing together approaches from STS, anthropology, health humanities and health care studies, the book points to the importance of people’s tinkering and experiments with making home, as it is here that home is made and unmade.

The book consists of 14 chapters divided into three parts. In Moving Imaginaries, we look at the ideals and roles that imaginaries of home come to play in later life both as things to think with and as materially expressed in architectures and institutions. In Negotiating Institutions, we look at what happens at the intersections of institutional and mundane propositions and practices of doing home. And in Shifting Arrangement, we decisively move away from the idea of ‘home’ as a place and analyse instead how whatever home comes to be this is always (also) about shifting relations of people, things, places, and affect. By thus unpacking what is and may be ‘home’ in the current right and plight to age-in-place, the book hopes to inspire thinking and doing home with care in later life.

Apart from one of the editors, several other (ex-)FASoS scholars have contributed: Ruud Hendriks, Ike Kamphof, and Ester Serra Mingot.

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