Extracurricular course on Italian Law information session, on 17 January
Do you wish to enrich your curriculum? Are you keen to explore a legal system that is not covered by the ELS programme and to broaden your comparative outlook?
The Principles of Italian Law course is a student-lead initiative covering the fundamentals of the Italian legal order. It consists of interactive lectures with UM staff and external experts.
Interested? Join the information session on 17 January at 18.00 at Statenzaal (FoL, C1.302).

FASoS buildings closed during Christmas Holiday
Please note that all FASoS buildings are closed between Saturday 24 December and Sunday 1 January. On Monday 2 January 2023 all buildings will be open again.
Enjoy the Christmas break and have a happy holiday!

All tickets sold out for winter edition of FASoS Gala 2023
Since 21 December, all tickets have sold out for the Winter Edition of the FASoS Gala 2023.
This gala is being presented by SOFASoS, Student Representatives FASoS and Global Studies Community, and will take place on January 26, at 22.00 at the Muziekgieterij.
Follow @fasosgala on Instagram for more information.

No FASoS Weekly during Christmas break
FASoS Weekly will take a break during the Christmas holidays from Monday 26 December 2022 until Friday 6 January 2023.
The first edition of the FASoS Weekly after the holidays will be published on Thursday 12 January 2023.
Happy holidays and have a great start of 2023!

Sharpening your senses elective, from 7 February to 18 April
Do you need some extra credits and want to do something different?
A collaboration between FASoS, the Medical Faculty, Marres and the SkillsLab, the Shaping your senses elective helps you train your senses and explore and better understand embodied knowledge.
It runs from 7 February to 18 April 2023 on Tuesday mornings, and will alternate between class experiments, fun fieldwork and independent work.
Want to know more? Please contact Emilie Sitzia.

No FASoS Weekly on 15 December
This week the FASoS Weekly Student editions will not be published due to a lack of messages submitted. There will be a new FASoS Weekly next week on 22 December!

SG lecture: The ‘War on Terror’ at 21, on 12 December
Join this Studium Generale lecture titled ‘Human Right Lecture: The ‘War on Terror’ at 21: Reflections from Practice’, where Helen Duffy will discuss what she sees as key characteristics of the ‘war on terror’ today.
When 12 December, at 20.00
Where: Aula, Tongersestraat 53
Costs: Free
Speaker: Prof. Helen Duffy, Professor of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies
Register here.

Lunch Concerts at FASoS, on 13 December
This academic year, you can enjoy short concerts of classical music once per month in the Turnzaal at FASoS for free.
This is a great opportunity to take some time for yourself and get out of the routine of study and work.
During next 30 minute concert on 13 December at 14.00, you can enjoy the music of the American composer David Maslanka performed by the saxophone quartet “Øsimun”.

Study delay due to force majeure? Apply for Profileringsfonds
Have you experienced study delay in the academic year 2021-2022 due to force majeure (illness, family circumstances, pregnancy, or disability)?
Then you might be eligible for financial support from the UM Profileringsfonds. Contact your faculty’s study adviser and submit your application before 1 March 2023 and minimum 2 months before deregistering.
Would you like to know more about the Profileringsfonds and the conditions for eligibility? Watch the video here.

Sharpening your senses elective, from 7 February to 18 April
Do you need some extra credits and want to do something different?
A collaboration between FASoS, the Medical Faculty, Marres and the SkillsLab, the Shaping your senses elective helps you train your senses and explore and better understand embodied knowledge.
It runs from 7 February to 18 April 2023 on Tuesday mornings, and will alternate between class experiments, fun fieldwork and independent work.
Want to know more? Please contact Emilie Sitzia.