Extracurricular course on Italian Law information session, on 17 January
Do you wish to enrich your curriculum? Are you keen to explore a legal system that is not covered by the ELS programme and to broaden your comparative outlook?
The Principles of Italian Law course is a student-lead initiative covering the fundamentals of the Italian legal order. It consists of interactive lectures with UM staff and external experts.
Interested? Join the information session on 17 January at 18.00 at Statenzaal (FoL, C1.302).

SG lecture: The ‘War on Terror’ at 21, on 12 December
Join this Studium Generale lecture titled ‘Human Right Lecture: The ‘War on Terror’ at 21: Reflections from Practice’, where Helen Duffy will discuss what she sees as key characteristics of the ‘war on terror’ today.
When 12 December, at 20.00
Where: Aula, Tongersestraat 53
Costs: Free
Speaker: Prof. Helen Duffy, Professor of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies
Register here.

Lunch Concerts at FASoS, on 13 December
This academic year, you can enjoy short concerts of classical music once per month in the Turnzaal at FASoS for free.
This is a great opportunity to take some time for yourself and get out of the routine of study and work.
During next 30 minute concert on 13 December at 14.00, you can enjoy the music of the American composer David Maslanka performed by the saxophone quartet “Øsimun”.

MYA Book Club: “Complaint!” by Sara Ahmed, on 14 December
Ever wondered how complaints in academia are dealt with?
Together with the Diversity & Inclusion Office, the Jan van Eyck Academie, and the Centre for Gender and Diversity, the Maastricht Young Academy is organising a series of book club meetings on Sarah Ahmed’s “Complaint!”
Stay for lunch time discussions (food provided) and get a free copy of the book!
When: starting 14 December, from 12.30 – 14.00
Where: Jan van Eyck Academie
Register here.

Win Interrail passes at UM Christmas Karaoke Contest, on 23 December
Ever visited the distinguished lecture hall at the Maastricht University Office for a class or an event and wanted to just burst into song? Now you can!
Join UM’s first Maastricht University Christmas Karaoke Contest 23 December from 16.00 – 17.30. Students and staff are welcome to sing along! You can win a Interrail pass for 2 people.
Sign up here before 14 December!

Launch podcast on Dutch European heritage, on 12 January 2023
Join the launch of the new DutchCulture podcast ‘Europees Erfgoed’! In this podcast, Dutch heritage sites that carry the European Heritage label will be discussed. The launch will be an evening full of stories about Europe, heritage around us and hidden histories.
When: 12 January 2023, from 19.30 – 22.00
Where: Heren/Singelzaal OBA Oosterdok Amsterdam, Oosterdokskade 143, 1011 DL Amsterdam
This event will be in Dutch. Sign up here.

UNSA Development Committee Volunteer Info Evening, on 6 December
The Development Committee of United Nations Student Association (UNSA) is excited to announce its annual Volunteering Info Evening on 6 December at 18.30 in the UCM lecture hall (Zwingelput 4).
Here you will have the opportunity to hear about their various responsible volunteering opportunities, both in Maastricht and around the globe.
Make sure to sign up via this link!

ECA event: European Digital Safety in the 21st Century, on 8 December
European Data Protection Supervisor will be the European Careers Association’s host on 8 December!
This event is a great opportunity to get acquainted with data protection. Many young professionals find a career in this field, and there will be a focus on career possibilities in the presentation.
This is an open event available to anyone, sign up here. The capacity of the lecture hall is limited so make sure to secure your spot as soon as possible.

SG and Opera Zuid: Lady in the Dark, on 11 December
Studium Generale and Opera Zuid are teaming up to offer students the opportunity to see ‘Lady in the Dark’ (performed in English, Dutch subtitles).
This opera tells the story of Liza Elliott, the editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine who experiences high pressure at work and in her private life.
When: Sunday 11 December, 18.30 (Introduction in English) / 19.30 (Opera)
Where: Vrijthof Theatre
Costs: €10 / only for students!
Register here.

Join FEM book launch of “De Nee Club”(The No Club), on 12 December
Join The Female Empowerment (FEM) Board of Maastricht University and prof. Lise Vesterlund for the book launch of “De Nee Club” (“The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women’s Dead-End Work”) on systematic gender differences in the assignation of tasks and work retribution in academia.
Discuss the redistribution of service work and how institutions should deal with it.
When: 12 December, from 14.00-17.00
Where: Aula, Minderbroedersberg 4-6
Register here.