SOFASoS Crash Courses, on 12, 13 and 15 December
Exams are coming up, but SOFASoS got you covered!
They will be hosting 4 crash courses the week before the exams to help you prepare. Are you taking any of these courses: Artificial Society, Knowledge and Criticism, Cultural Pluralism or Ruling Europe? Click here to learn more and sign up.
The crash courses are held on Zoom and are recorded. They are free, you just have to be a SOFASoS member!
Other courses also have recordings available here.

UM Christmas Karaoke Contest, on 23 December
On 23 December in the Auditorium Minderbroedersberg from 16.00 – 17.00, the first Maastricht University Christmas Karaoke Contest will take place. Open to the entire UM community (students and staff), it will be a social event to celebrate and sing together.
Register here before 14 December. For more information on the contest rules and FAQ’s, click here.

Lunch concert at FASoS, on 29 November
This academic year, you can enjoy short concerts of classical music once per month in the Turnzaal at FASoS for free.
This is a great opportunity to take some time for yourself and get out of the routine of study and work.
During this 30 minute concert on 29 November at 14.00, you will discover the vibrant and rich sound of marimbas and vibrophones with the ensemble “Maaßticks”. The ensemble will play play pieces by Steven Reich and Maurice Ravel.

ECA info evening with Hertie School of Governance, on 30 November
Are you wondering how to further navigate your career after Maastricht? Do you want to further expand your knowledge regarding public policy or international affairs and continue your education in that path?
Alongside The Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, European Careers Association Maastricht is organising this info evening on your educational opportunities on 30 November from 18.30 to 20.30 at the Statenzaal (FoL).
Sign up here.

SG film screening of ‘Children of the Mist’, on 6 December
Join this Studium Generale Film & Talk screening of ‘Children of the Mist’.
Di, a 12-year-old girl from the mist-shrouded mountains of northern Vietnam, belongs to the Hmong, an ethnic minority in which girls get married at a very young age.
An expert will give an introduction to the film.
When: Tuesday 6 December, 19.30
Where: Lumière Cinema, Bassin 88
Costs: Students €5 / others €10
For tickets, click here.

UM Career Services workshop, on 9 December
This workshop addresses the challenges specific to finding and applying for a job for students with a disability, a chronic disease or health condition ranging from recognising your personal competencies, to identifying job opportunities that fit your unique needs, abilities and talents, and the job application process.
When: 9 December, from 9.30 – 12.30
Where: Karl Dittrich Hall (SSC)
For more information and registration, click here.

Growing Up in Science with Prof. dr. Martin Paul, on 9 December
Behind every success you can read on a CV, there are the numerous failed attempts, challenges, and lessons learned. And then there are also all the successes that no one ever hears about. The guest for this Growing up in Science session is former UM president Prof. dr. Martin Paul.
This hybrid Growing Up in Science event takes place on 9 December at 14.45 at the Tapijn Brasserie (or via Zoom).
You can register here.

Workshop – Consultancy Interview Case Preparation, on 12 December
The popular consultancy firms are notorious for the application procedure. An especially challenging element is the case interview.
In this workshop, you learn how to approach a case interview and how to train for it. At the end you have practised part of a case interview and gained valuable tips and tricks on how to perform well.
When: 12 December, from 9.30 – 12.00
Where: Karl Dittrich Hall (SSC)
For more information and registration, click here.

Workshop: Echolocation & multi-sensory interactions, on 23 November
Both sighted & non-sighted participants are invited to join this Training the Senses workshop in an exploration of our non-visual senses. It will include an introduction to Echolocation (or Click Sonar), and considers how people collectively experience each other and the spatial environment through their auditory and tactile senses.
When: 23 November, from 19.00 – 21.00
Where: Marres
Costs: €5 (regular), €2.50 (students)
Click here for tickets.

SG lecture: ‘Is Authoritarianism Winning?’, on 24 November
Join this Studium Generale lecture titled ‘Is Authoritarianism Winning?’. This lecture explores whether the twentieth-century advantages that liberal democracy enjoyed are being eroded in different areas.
When: 24 November, 20.00
Where: Aula, Minderbroedersberg 4-6
Costs: Free
Speaker: David Runciman, Professor of Politics, University of Cambridge
Register here.