Staff’s Edition

SG lecture on Jean-Luc Godard and film screening, on 8 November

Few filmmakers have left behind such a ground breaking, influential and radical oeuvre as Jean-Luc Godard.

Join the Studium Generale lecture on ‘Everything is Cinema: The Filmic Alchemy of Jean-Luc Godard‘, followed by a screening of ‘A Bout de Souffle’.

When: 8 November, 19.30 (lecture) 21.00 (film)
Where: Lumière Cinema
Costs: Lecture – €5, Film – students €5 / others €10
Speaker: Kevin Toma, film critic and composer

Crowdfunding garden: 45% of goal reached!

On 5 October, we festively opened the FASoS garden and officially launched the crowdfunding to be able to decorate the garden.

So far we have reached 45% of our crowdfunding goal. Thank you very much to everyone who has donated!

You can still make a donation until the end of this year via this link: Donate together with your department, study programme or research group and make sure your name ends up on the hall of fame, or get a bench or picnic table with your group’s name on it!

MUSTS colloquium ‘Making Sense of Medicine’, on 9 November

MUSTS is organising the colloquium ‘Making Sense of Medicine, and an Edited Book‘. It celebrates the recent publication of ‘Making Sense of Medicine‘, a MUSTS member heavy edited book.

When: 9 November, 15.30-17.00
Where: On-campus (GG80-82 Attic)
Contributors present: John Nott, Anna Harris, Paul Craddock, Candida F. Sánchez Burmester, Harro van Lente and Sally Wyatt
Discussants: Bernike Pasveer, Ike Kamphof, Jenny Slatman and Jessica Mesman

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Till Schöfer and Clara Weinhardt publish in International Affairs

Till Schöfer and Clara Weinhardt published an article on “Developing-country status at the WTO: the divergent strategies of Brazil, India and China” in International Affairs.

The article asks what strategies emerging powers adopt as they come under pressure to give up rights commonly reserved for regime members with developing country status.

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KNAW Early Career Partnerships

The KNAW encourages early career researchers (up to 7 years after PhD) to collaborate interdisciplinary.

The KNAW calls on them to apply here until 31 January 2023, for organising a meeting to jointly explore unconventional, innovative ideas or methods for fundamental research.

The budget is €10,000. The meeting needs to have an open character, combine different disciplines, include junior and senior scholars – with at least one KNAW member.

European Citizen Initiative: specific learning disabilities on EU level

‘Focus on specific learning disabilities on EU level’ is a European Citizens’ Initiative. It aims to grant more rights to people with specific learning disabilities (e.g. Dyslexia) by creating a European definition of the problem and granting more funds for research on the issue.

This initiative has been written and presented by people from this faculty.

Please sign the initiative here and share it with your friends and family.

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Introducing: Wicke van den Broek

Hello everyone! My name is Wicke van den Broek and I am joining the political science department of FASoS as a PhD candidate. I am writing under the supervision of Giselle Bosse on EU democracy promotion in authoritarian countries, specifically Belarus.

I studied at FASoS from 2014 to 2017, so I look forward to reconnect with old colleagues as well as meet everyone who joined after 2017. Feel free to stop by office GG 86, 2.002 for a chat!

Last FASoS Weekly for staff + reminder to register for intranet launch

Today, you have received the last FASoS Weekly for staff members in your inbox.

Don’t worry, you will still receive all necessary and fun information about FASoS, but via a different platform: UMployee. Just like the FASoS Weekly, you will still receive a weekly email in your inbox with links to all kinds of fun events, funding opportunities, publications by colleagues, etc.

If you want to share something with colleagues, have a look at this post to see how to do this. There will be no submission form anymore; you will simply post a message yourself in a group on UMployee.

To help get everyone started, we are organising a launch event for the new intranet on Tuesday 8 November from 12.00 – 14.00 in GG90-92, D1.08. Sign up here.

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Open Science FAIR Coffee lecture with Ron Aardening, on 9 November

On 9 November from 11.00 – 12.00, the Open Science Community is organising a “FAIR Coffee lecture” by Ron Aardening (Open Access Publishing Officer at UM Library) on opportunities for Open Access publishing at UM.

It will be streamed to a room on the FASoS campus to give us the opportunity for a face-to-face exchange, and free lunch will be offered. Please sign up via this link so we know what room to book and how much catering to order.

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Aline Sierp fellow at the Alcide De Gasperi Centre, EUI

Aline Sierp has been awarded a fellowship at the Alcide De Gasperi Centre of the European University Institute in Florence for the year 2022/2023.

During her frequent visits at the EUI, she will be working on the cultural heritage of war and conflict as related to political mobilisation of contested memories in European Union politics.

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