
SG lecture on Jean-Luc Godard and film screening, on 8 November

Few filmmakers have left behind such a ground breaking, influential and radical oeuvre as Jean-Luc Godard.

Join the Studium Generale lecture on ‘Everything is Cinema: The Filmic Alchemy of Jean-Luc Godard‘, followed by a screening of ‘A Bout de Souffle’.

When: 8 November, 19.30 (lecture) 21.00 (film)
Where: Lumière Cinema
Costs: Lecture – €5, Film – students €5 / others €10
Speaker: Kevin Toma, film critic and composer

MUSTS colloquium ‘Making Sense of Medicine’, on 9 November

MUSTS is organising the colloquium ‘Making Sense of Medicine, and an Edited Book‘. It celebrates the recent publication of ‘Making Sense of Medicine‘, a MUSTS member heavy edited book.

When: 9 November, 15.30-17.00
Where: On-campus (GG80-82 Attic)
Contributors present: John Nott, Anna Harris, Paul Craddock, Candida F. Sánchez Burmester, Harro van Lente and Sally Wyatt
Discussants: Bernike Pasveer, Ike Kamphof, Jenny Slatman and Jessica Mesman

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Open Science FAIR Coffee lecture with Ron Aardening, on 9 November

On 9 November from 11.00 – 12.00, the Open Science Community is organising a “FAIR Coffee lecture” by Ron Aardening (Open Access Publishing Officer at UM Library) on opportunities for Open Access publishing at UM.

It will be streamed to a room on the FASoS campus to give us the opportunity for a face-to-face exchange, and free lunch will be offered. Please sign up via this link so we know what room to book and how much catering to order.

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Marres workshop: Who are you when you’re performing work?, on 9 November

On 9 November from 19.00-21.00 Marres: House for Contemporary Culture is hosting a ‘Training the Senses’ workshop at the Brandweerkantine.

Philippine Hoegen, Nirav Christophe and Carolien Stikker will guide you to explore who you are when you perform work, with techniques including voice dialogue, performative exercises, embodiment and interaction.

Tickets are only €2.50 for students and €5.00 for other visitors. Buy tickets here.

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UM Cares: informal carers lunch, on 10 November

‘UM Cares About You – Lunch’ is an event during which the spotlight is put on UM’s mantelzorgers (informal carers).

It takes place on 10 November at two locations, in both Randwyck (Universiteitssingel 40) and the city centre (Tongersestraat 53), from 12.00 – 13.15.

To celebrate, appreciate, and bring together all of those who care, you are kindly invited to register here and mention your dietary wishes. The lunch will be vegetarian.

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Event Seed Fund Sustainable Research Spearheads, on 10 November

On 10 November from 13.30 – 16.30, SUM2030 will organise a matchmaking event for all UM-researchers interested in the Seed Money for Sustainable Research Spearheads. This event will allow you to find research partners across UM and generate proposals for this seed fund. Moreover, during the event you’ll get the latest information on the selection criteria.

For more information about this event and the sign up link, click here.

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Seminar “Migration and Development Dynamics”, from 24 – 26 November

The Jean Monnet Chair in EU Politics in a Changing Global Context (CHANCE) is delighted to invite you to participate in the extracurricular seminar “Migration and Development Dynamics“.

This is an online seminar which will take place for three days on 24, 25 & 26 November 2022 (Thursday and Friday 18.00 – 20.00, Saturday 11.00 – 13.00).

For registration or additional information contact Niklas Mayer via

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#MeTooAcademia: The Learning Curve theatre performance, on 12 December

On 12 December at 19.00 at Theater aan het Vrijthof, The UM Platform for Research Ethics and Integrity invites you to the performance “#Metoo in Academia: The Learning Curve”, a 40-minute play about (sexual) intimidation and abuse of power in a university context.

The theatre tickets are available for free on a first-come-first-serve basis. Interested? Email to

The play is performed in English.

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GTD Colloquium: (Re)Mapping Migration and Education, on 30 November

Join the Globalisation, Transnationalism & Development Colloquium that doubles as the European book launch of ‘(Re)Mapping Migration and Education: Centering Methods and Methodologies‘ (2022, Brill).

When: 30 November, 15.30 – 17.00
Where: GG 76s, 1.018

The register, click here or email Laura Ogden.

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GTD – CGD Colloquium with prof. Nolwazi Mkhwanazi, on 2 November

Join the Globalisation, Transnationalism & Development Colloquium titled ‘The politics of care: Making and unmaking families in South Africa‘ by Nolwazi Mkhwanazi, professor of Anthropology at the University of the Pretoria.

When: 2 November, 15.30 – 16.00
Where: Spiegezaal, Grote Gracht 80-82

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