Winners Education Awards 2022
The winners of the Education Awards 2022 are proudly presented to you.
Best tutors:
- BA ES: Chiara Russo
- BA AC: Jacob Ward
- BA DS: Eva Dieteren
- MA (all programmes): Aneta Spendzharova
The special award ‘Best technology’ has been given to Josje Weusten as tutor and course coordinator for the course of Discourse analysis 2 (ACU2510).

Patrick Bijsmans new Associate Dean for Education
It is with great pleasure that we would like to announce that Patrick Bijsmans will be the new Associate Dean for Education at FASoS, starting on 1 September 2022.
We are very much looking forward to working with Patrick. He hardly needs an introduction to the readers of FASoS Weekly as he has contributed to education at FASoS in different ways over many years.

Anique Hommels appointed Head of Department Society Studies
The Faculty Board has appointed Anique Hommels as the new Head of Department of Society Studies.
She will succeed Harro van Lente, the current Head of Department, who has fulfilled this role for eight years. Anique will start on 1 September 2022 and she looks forward to it.
The Faculty is very grateful to Harro for his full commitment to the task of Head of Department over the past eight years!

New Programme Director and Associate Programme Director BA ES
As of September 2022, the BA European Studies has a new directorship. Luana Russo has been appointed by the Faculty Board as the new Programme Director and Karin van Leeuwen will start as Associate Programme Director.
Luana will succeed Elissaveta Radulova as Programme Director. Karin will take over Luana’s role as Associate Programme Director.
Luana and Karin are looking forward to their new role.

FASoS research report 2021 now available
The digital version of the FASoS research report 2021 has just been published on the FASoS research institute website. The report includes in-depth interviews with some of our colleagues and highlights the key achievements of FASoS research in 2021.

Get your pictures of the FASoS Spring Fest!
The FASoS Spring Fest on 25 May was a huge success! We hope you enjoyed the lovely food and cocktails, got to sing your heart out during karaoke, and beat your colleagues at beer pong.
The pictures that were taken during the day by our student ambassadors and the pictures that you took yourself in the photo booth are now digitally available! Scan the QR code on the chalkboard in the coffee room or send an email to communications-fasos@maastrichtuniversity.nl to receive the link to the pictures.

Yoga sessions at FASoS on Mondays and Wednesdays
Rest your mind during yoga class in GG76S, 1.017 on Mondays and Wednesdays from 16.30 – 17.45. Wear a comfortable outfit and bring along your yoga mat (and possibly a pillow).
There is no need to register, but the capacity is limited. If you see that the door is closed, there is no more room to attend the class.

Yoga sessions at FASoS on Mondays and Tuesdays
Rest your mind during yoga class in GG76S, 1.017 on Mondays and Tuesdays from 16.30 – 17.45. Wear a comfortable outfit and bring along your yoga mat (and possibly a pillow).
There is no need to register, but the capacity is limited. If you see that the door is closed, there is no more room to attend the class.
Please note that the day of the yoga session has changed, it now takes place on Mondays and Tuesdays instead of Mondays and Wednesdays.

Get your staff picture taken, on Thursday 21 April
You can get a professional profile picture taken again!
On Thursday 21 April, between 15.15 and 17.00, a photographer will visit FASoS to take profile pictures of FASoS staff members. The pictures will be taken in the coffee room and in GG90-92, room D1.08.
This time, there are only 15 spots available so be fast and sign up to get your picture taken by sending an email to communications-fasos@maastrichtuniversity.nl before 20 April. You will receive an Outlook invite with a specific 10-minute timeslot during which your picture will be taken.

Join yoga classes at FASoS!
Rest your mind during yoga class in GG76S, 1.017 on Mondays and Wednesdays from 16.30 – 17.45. Wear a comfortable outfit and bring along your yoga mat (and possibly a pillow).
There is no need to register, but the capacity is limited. If you see that the door is closed, there is no more room to attend the class.