Staff in the news

Aline Sierp features in podcast of Talk Eastern Europe

Aline Sierp was interviewed by Talk Eastern Europe on the ‘Contested Histories Onsite’ project she is directing. The project is a collaboration between the Memory Studies Association and EuroClio and is financed by the European Commission’s Europe4Citizens program.

In this podcast episode she talks about the background of the project, its aims and preliminary outcomes.

Karin Bijsterveld interviewed by Radio 1, Radio 5 and Podcast Atlas

Karin Bijsterveld has been interviewed by Radio 1 (Morning show) and Radio 5 (Max) about the ‘Weg van lawaai’ app (app of the week on and by Podcast Atlas and the VPRO-Gids on her Stasi research.

Listen to the Radio 1 interview here (in Dutch).

Listen tot the Podcast Atlas interview here (in Dutch).

Aline Sierp interviewed for Elm Magazine

Aline Sierp was interviewed for Elm Magazine, the European Lifelong Learning Magazine.

She spoke about the ‘Power of Memories’ and their role for education. The interview was published ahead of Aline’s intervention in the EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) annual conference organised by the European Commission on 18 October.

Read the interview here.

Clara Weinhardt featured in Trade Finance Podcast

The Trade Finance Talks podcast interviewed Clara Weinhardt to hear more about her online gallery ‘Faces of Trade‘.

Clara discusses why and how she created the online gallery, how an art gallery may help to shed new light on WTO politics, and why a new narrative on trade multilateralism is needed. She also discusses policy implications that result from her DFG research project on WTO politics.

Listen to the episode here.

Annet Schoot Uiterkamp featured in various media outlets

Annet Schoot Uiterkamp has been featured in various media outlets to talk about PhD dissertation “Kolen en kampen. Tewerkstelling van politieke delinquenten in Nederlandse steenkolenmijnen, 1945 -1958”. [Coal and Camps: the employment of political delinquents in Dutch coal mines, 1945 – 1958] which she defended on 12 October.

Leonie Cornips as guest on Dutch talkshow De Sociëteit

Leonie Cornips was a guest on the Dutch TV show De Sociëteit to talk about the film ‘Cow’ from director Andrea Arnold and about Cornips’ own research on the language of cows.

Watch the episode, in Dutch, here (Cornips’ appearance starts at 30.44).

Klaartje Peters in podcast series for local councillors

The Gelderland Academie of the province of Gelderland made a podcast series for local councillors about intermunicipal cooperation and the consequences for local councils.

In all five episodes Klaartje Peters figures as the expert, next to several practitioners.

Click here to listen to the podcast.

Leonie Cornips interviewed by de Volkskrant

Leonie Cornips was interviewed by the Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant about her research on the language of cows.

The interview was featured in an article on the language of animals. The article includes details on Cornip’s research and a quiz in which you can try to recognise different cow sounds.

Access the article, in Dutch, here.

Nico Randeraad interviewed by Swiss magazine ‘Republik’

Nico Randeraad was interviewed for the Swiss magazine ‘Republik’ about his work on the history of statistics.

Read the article, in German, online here, and in pdf format here.

Joris Roosen interviewed in ‘Conan O’Brien needs a friend’ podcast

Joris Roosen was interviewed by Conan O’Brien as part of the ‘Conan O’Brien needs a Friend’ podcast.

Despite being a comedy podcast, Roosen did manage to talk about his research on the late Medieval Black Death.

You can listen to the podcast here.

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