Christophe Van Eecke awarded research prize

Christophe Van Eecke was awarded one of the research prizes of the Praemium Erasmianum Foundation for his dissertation ‘Pandaemonium: Ken Russell’s Artist Biographies as Baroque Performance’ (Promotors: Maaike Meijer and Karel Vanhaesebrouck; co-promotor: Jack Post). The award ceremony took place at the KNAW in Amsterdam on Monday 9 May. After a laudatio by Prof Maria Grever, Christophe gave a short presentation of his work.

Maaike Meijer and Lies Wesseling represented the Faculty during the ceremony.

In its report the jury praised Christophe’s dissertation as being ‘extremely innovative and original’ and called its approach and methodology ‘quite unconventional’. The jury was also impressed by the style of the book, which it called ‘clear and authoritative’.

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