EdLab workshop ‘Creating and using rubrics for assessment’, 12 February

Rubrics and scoring sheets can make the assessment process more consistent, transparent and easier for you as an instructor and assessor. But there are so many different types of grading sheets and rubric designs to choose from, how do you know which would suit your assignments and students the best?

This workshop offers you the opportunity to test out and evaluate a few different rubric types and discuss your needs.

EDLAB, Tuesday 12 February

This workshop offers you the opportunity to test out and evaluate a few different rubric types, discuss your needs and consider which types of rubrics suit your courses. Tips about rubric development, their implementation and scoring will be discussed and there will be time to share practical experiences within the group.

Please note that this workshop is part of our CPD pilot series. This means that the workshop is being offered completely free of charge for you (and your department), however, after taking part in this workshop we would like to ask for your feedback and input in its evaluation.

Venue: Room 1.001 at EDLAB, Building X, Tapijn
Contact: donna.carroll@maastrichtuniversity.nl

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