Experts and Expertise in European IOs, 1973-1987

Organised jointly by UM and University of Portsmouth, the workshop on 30-31 January 2014 will investigate who were the experts active within European international organisations (IOs) and what types or forms of expertise they had and drew upon in agenda-setting, policy deliberation and decision-making. It will also explore the role of experts in policy-making in various IOs and their influence on the development of those policy areas.

Crisis and crisis experience were central to Western European history between the first oil crisis of 1973 and the creation of the Single European Act. European international organizations (IOs) such as the OECD or the EC played a crucial role in debating and addressing manifold dimensions of crisis, shifting discourses and transforming policies at national and European level. These IOs drew heavily on experts and their expertise in debating and managing crisis and seeking solutions for structural problems.

The workshop will investigate who were the experts active within the IOs and what types or forms of expertise they had and drew upon in agenda-setting, policy deliberation and decision-making. It will also explore the role of experts in policy-making in the respective IOs and their influence on the development of the policy area concerned.

The workshop is organized with the generous support of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Research Stimulation and Valorisation Fund at FASoS, the Centre for European and International Studies Research at the University of Portsmouth and the SWOL/Universiteitsfonds Limburg.


If you wish to attend, please register with Anna Stawinski:

More information here

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