The jury of the FASoS ‘Valorisatie’ prize, consisting of Marjolein van Asselt, Vivian van Saaze, Kiran Klaus Patel (chair) and Klaartje Peters, decided to award the FASoS ‘Valorisatie’ Prize 2018 to Floris Peters, Maarten Vink and Hans Schmeets for their research and strategic interventions regarding the proposed bill by the Dutch government to increase the residence requirement for naturalisation in the Netherlands.
The joint research efforts, co-financed by CBS, lead to scientifically informed critique on the proposal, and eventually to a rejection of the bill. The jury was unanimous in their praise for this very strong and convincing application. The winning team will receive €2.000,- to further support their project.
Next to this prize, the jury decided to give special praise to one submission which stood out for its originality and inventiveness. The honourable mention goes out to the project ‘MIA’ submitted by Jolien Makkinga. MIA is a sound box about how residents in a nursing home express feelings of (un)belonging through their language. Through MIA nursing home organisations like Envida are interested in actually implementing the results into everyday care practice. Jolien will receive €500,- for her project.
Congratulations to Floris, Jolien, Maarten and Hans!