FASoS Weekly moves to UMployee

As previously announced, we will be getting a new staff intranet!

As of 8 November, UMployee will be our main internal communication channel. All information, from forms and procedures to staff publications and new employees, will be announced in one place.

This means that the FASoS Weekly will move to UMployee, and this will look and work a little bit different than you are used to.

The Marketing and Communications Office has been making rounds along all departments and clusters to provide more information about the intranet, to give a sneak peek of the system, and to inform about the move of the FASoS Weekly to UMployee.

Were you unable to join your departmental/cluster meeting in which the new intranet was presented? Or is your meeting scheduled in only a couple of weeks’ time and would you already like to know now what the new intranet will look like and what features it has? Join one of the online information and sneak peek sessions!

Please note that the new intranet is only for employees. The student intranet remains in the old system. Additionally, the FASoS Weekly for students will still be sent out, at least until December 2022. If you would like to communicate something to our students, you can still fill out the submission form.

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