Fill out the online education evaluation

We ask all students to fill out a Qualtrics evaluation survey about their online learning experience in weeks 2, 5 and 8 of period 5. There will be a fixed, short reaction term of only 5 days to speedily inquire and process information. A summary of the main points will be communicated to all stakeholders on the FASoS intranet.

The survey will be open from Friday 17 April until Tuesday 21 April. The link will also be published on the Student Portal.

Especially during this insecure period, in which most of us experience extra pressure, we do opt for conducting evaluations because we greatly value views and experiences of all persons involved in education. Through performing the next evaluations, we hope to gain good insight into the dynamics of our online education process which we are creating and experiencing together every day.

Course evaluations periods 4 and 5

The standard IWIO questionnaire is conducted at the end of these periods for students to evaluate courses. Changes to the period 5 IWIO questionnaire will be as follows: only the standard questions will be offered, questions about individual teachers will be removed. Processing of the information will also take place in the usual way.

Exam evaluations in periods 4 and 5

The cluster Educational Development and Policy will organise two focus group evaluation meetings with the Student Representatives. Questions for the evaluation of online examination will be the regular IWIO exam questions added by questions focused on the online experience. A summary report of these meetings will be written and shared with all stakeholders.

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