Fourth Growing Up in Science event @UM, on Thursday 14 January

What are the struggles that academics go through? Growing Up in Science is a conversation series featuring personal narratives of becoming and being a scientist.

In this session, which takes place on 14 January 2021 from 16.00 – 17.00, dr. Rajat Mani Thomas, assistant professor at Amsterdam UMC, will share his unofficial story.

Register for the event here. A Zoom link will be shared with you before the start of the event via email.

“Growing up I wanted to be the driver of a steam engine, then a captain of a ship spending endless hours journeying into the unknown. My romance with discovery began quite literally as a fascination for adventure. Finally, having grown up, a realisation that the greatest adventure begins in the depths of our own minds, led me to pursue scholarship in fields disparate – from the early Universe to artificial intelligence.”

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