Free writing workshops

FASoS in cooperation with the Maastricht Writing Centre will offer three free writing workshops in two parts on Monday 12 May and Friday 16 May. Sponsored as an introductory offer by the Maastricht Writing Centre (MAWRIC), the workshops – two in English and one in Dutch – are open to both UM and non-UM participants and will take place at FASoS, 18.00 -20.00. There is a limit of 20 participants per workshop.

It is possible to register for only one workshop. To secure a place in one of the workshops, please send an email to the instructor. After your registration is confirmed, you will receive more information about the location of the workshops. For general questions, please contact Ana Menendez at

Writing for Social Media: Digital technologies now give professionals the opportunity to present themselves and their work online. Their audiences may be future employers, clients or the general public. Weblogs and microblogging services such as Twitter can make an important contribution to an individual’s (inter-)national as well as local employability. Such a digital profile however needs to be carefully developed and, most important, well maintained. This course will support participants in developing a professional media profile through a personal weblog and supportive microblogging. It will introduce blogging essentials and give insights into a strategic use of weblogs and social media accounts for establishing a professional profile.

This course will address students as well as graduates and (young) professionals or returning employees who aim at an employment in writing and media affine proficiencies.

Language: English

For more information or to register, please write to Annika Richterich at 

Workshop Verhalende Non-Fictie*: breng je verhaal tot leven. Wil je graag een verhaal schrijven over een persoonlijke ervaring, een bijzondere vakantie of gewoon over een onderwerp dat je fascineert? Een verhaal gebaseerd op de werkelijkheid kan tot leven komen als je weet hoe je het moet aanpakken. Hoe arrangeer je de feiten, hoe breng je essentiële details aan, hoe schep je levensechte mensen en hoe vind je je eigen stem? Om dergelijke vaardigheden gaat het bij het schrijven van verhalende non-fictie.

De workshop Verhalende Non-Fictie leert je in twee avonden een aantal van die vaardigheden. Door het schrijfproces in stukken te hakken, wordt het makkelijker om te beginnen. Een aantrekkelijk begin, een mooi slot, details die je als rode draad kunt gebruiken: eenvoudige kunstgrepen maken het schrijven makkelijker.

Deze workshop is zowel voor studenten en afgestudeerden als voor mensen van buiten de universiteit die graag op een heldere, toegankelijke manier over (een aspect van) hun eigen leven willen schrijven.

Taal: Nederlands

Voor meer informatie en om te registreren, schrijf naar Petra Quaedvlieg,

 *English translation: Workshop Creative Nonfiction: Bring your story to life: Would you love to write a story about a unique personal experience, a wonderful holiday or just about a subject that fascinates you? Writing a story based on facts can come to life if you know how. Arranging the facts, using compelling details, making your point, creating real-life characters and finding your own voice are some of the fundamentals of writing creative nonfiction. This course will teach you a few of these fundamentals of lively nonfiction. The workshop will break down the writing process into a series of steps. You will learn how to organise a piece, write an exiting opening and ending, and decide on the most compelling details to include. Along the way you will experience that you can become a better writer.

This course is for students as well as graduates or people outside the university who want to learn how to write about their own lives in a clear, accessible style. It is for anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of good non-fiction writing.

Language: Dutch

For more information or to register, please write to Petra Quaedvlieg at

Creative Writing: Learning to See: Do you want to write short fiction, but don’t know how to get started? The first step is just learning how to pay attention. This workshop will guide you through a series of writing prompts and exercises designed to sharpen your powers of observation and incorporate everyday life into your fiction. After our first meeting Monday night, you will have a series of daily writing exercises. On Friday, we will put together the raw material of your field work as we discuss some of the basic structures of fiction.

This workshop is for anyone who wants to write fiction. It is also for technical, scientific or academic writers who want to learn narrative techniques to enhance their own writing.

Language: English

For more information or to register, please contact Ana Menendez at


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