Graduation T-shirts for 3rd year BA ES students

With the end of the academic journey now in sight, 3rd year BA ES students are invited to think about their graduation T-shirts, hoodies or jackets with name and/or other prints. Thank you!

Since our three year journey together is almost over it is time organize our own t-shirts, hoodies or jackets from our year with all the names and/or other additional prints.
I believe most of you would appreciate having something to remember our year.

A year-book could be a further option but I cannot do it on my own.

Here is my proposal:

First, due to privacy reasons students who are not interested at all and do not wish to be on the email list, please write me a short email and indicate under subject “NO EMAIL”.
Second, Students who like to volunteer for a year book, please write me a short message as well and indicate under subject “VOLUNTEER”.
Finally, everyone who is interested in getting a T-shirt, Hoody or Jacket, please send me an email with your interest and
please indicate under subject either “INTEREST (T-shirt)”, “INTEREST (Hoody)” or “INTEREST (Jacket)”.
Students can indicate a preference for more than one fabric as well in the same manner “INTEREST (T-shirt & Hoody)” or “INTEREST (… & …)”.

Please make sure to indicate your preference in the subject heading in order to give me a chance to handle all the emails on my own.
Students who like to volunteer for the year-book have to send two emails one under the subject “Volunteer” and the other one under the subject “INTEREST (…)”.

Please reply to this email not later than the 28th of April due to our time constrain. I will send you further information on the proceeding in the week after the deadline.

I am looking forward to your reply.

M. Ritter

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