Green Impact Maastricht University 2018 successfully started

A number of 84 employees and students have signed up for the Green Impact Programme, something that we are very proud of! This includes a FASoS team: Soylent Green. However, we are still looking for other sustainability contributors (staff and students), who help us through the Green Impact Programme to spread sustainability across the UM and who are capable of beating the Board of Executives from their first Green Impact Programme position…

On 10 October, the National Day of Sustainability the Green Impact programme for Maastricht University started. During the kick-off event, attended by more than 40 employees and students from the UM, the programme was launched officially. Since then, 47 actions have already been implemented and several changes have already been made.

Did you know, for example, that the Board of Executives only consumes vegan lunches during their meetings? And that during some meetings tap water is already served, instead of bottled water? And are you aware that dozens of herbal plants were planted after the Green Impact Kick-off And that vegan cookies are a hot item at the catering UM?

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