Improving sustainability at FASoS: share your ideas and feedback

The FASoS Sustainability Platform, which brings together students and staff interested in environmental topics, is looking for your input on how to improve sustainability at the faculty to update the FASoS Sustainability Plan.

Submit feedback and suggestions via email or via this short online survey.

Also, you are welcome to sign up for the UM Sustainability email newsletter or follow the FASoS Sustainability Platform on Instagram.

Your input can include every level of university life from research and education to catering and facilities management. Your ideas will be vital for updating the FASoS Sustainability Plan.

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  1. In (at least) the main FASoS building lamps are on all day during long summers, while the sun is everywhere. I have been complaining about this for several years to the facilities manager and the director of the faculty. But they don’t give the impression this might be something relevant. Also, the heating and airco are used in a non sustainable way. I think the sustainability performance at our faculty is not extremely ambitious.

    • Dear Maarten, I only joined FASoS last year, so it is good to get feedback from staff who have been here longer. My own experience with lights is that you sometimes need them even during summer to avoid reflections on the smart screens… and in some classrooms, I am struggling with turning them off again after class. We will absolutely discuss this further among the Sustainability Platform members. And, please, take the survey if you can spare the time. Input from different members of the faculty is vital.

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