Internships in The Hague, FASoS information session on 21 April

The Hague is not only the seat of the Dutch government and all foreign embassies, but it also hosts a number of international organisations and a range of institutes that in one way or the other are related to policy making. If you are interested in doing an internship in The Hague, join an informative meeting with Prof. Marjolein van Asselt on Friday 21 April, 15.30-16.30. Please sign up via the internship coordinator Resi Schenk by Thursday 20 April at the latest.

Why do an internship in The Hague?

The Hague is not only the seat of the Dutch government and all foreign embassies, but it also hosts a number of international organisations and a range of institutes that in one way or the other are related to policy-making. For all FASoS students it is important to develop an awareness of the complexity of policy-making and the dynamics of contemporary governance. Political sensitivity is a key competence for all professionals who want to work in this complex dynamics. An internship in a governmental capital as The Hague helps you to develop an understanding of the key relevance of political sensitivity. Last but not least, there are a lot of jobs available in The Hague and an internship helps you to connect to this labour market.

The Faculty aims to stimulate students to make optimal use of their internship in The Hague. In our experience, because students usually don’t have a network there, they do not fully benefit from the opportunities available. Professor Marjolein van Asselt, who holds a chair in Risk Governance at our Faculty, has worked at various institutes in The Hague, including the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) and is currently board member of the Dutch Safety Board (OvV), well known for its investigation into the MH17 disaster.

On Friday 21 April, from 15.30 – 16.30, Prof. Marjolein van Asselt will be available to further explain the benefits of an internship in The Hague, and she may be able to advise on which organisations could match your specific interests. If you would like to attend, please send a message to the internship coordinator Resi Schenk  by 20 April at the latest.

Note: for many internships fluency in the Dutch language will be required or is at least very useful.

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